Hey everyone, happy to see you! I'm Cansu, 28 years old, wife and mother of two from Germany. Planning became my obsession. I started to plan 2015 with a Filofax Retro Bloom I was gifted from my sister. Over the years my planning style changed and I became more minimal. I had so many planners in the meantime - now I don't buy that much anymore. I've decided to turn my hobby into a small business and it brings me so much joy to see my products in your planners! Now I'm reopening after a long term (because of the birth of my daughter - it's hard to deal with a newborn, a toddler (an husband) and an onlineshop - hah!) with a brand new online shop and I cannot wait to be creative again! I hope you find something for your planner - if you have any questions or wishes - just write me a message and I will do my best for you!
Best wishes, Cansu